![]() SurVision Magazine |
international online magazine that
publishes Surrealist poetry in English.
GRAHAM CLIFFORD Peter Lorre Bird The parakeet that reminds us of Peter Lorre reaches from its aviary, but I don't let its talon take my finger for a handshake, or a friendly tug; it is needy like a beaten dog, a small hunk of life grown so skilful in coercing we balk and instead I proffer my water bottle. It bends to the fencing and, in order to reach further out, turns its head so it is looking away, which seems like sickened but bankrupt compliance. It takes the cap in its grip and gently, blindly unscrews. Graham Clifford was born in Portsmouth, grew up in Wiltshire and lives in London. His poems appear in the Rialto and Magma. His chapbook, Welcome Back to the Country, and full collection, The Hitting Game, are published by Seren. His other chapbook, Computer Generated Crash Test Dummies, is published by The Black Light Engine Room, and his collection, Well, is published by Against The Grain. In Charge of the Gun, his most recent collection, is published by The Black Light Engine Room. |