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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Six




Considerations have crashed. The
recorded readings may all be true.
No one will be at the ranch, even
though the ranch hands still tell
western stories & recite cowboy
poetry during dinner. The French
verb bricoler means "to do odd jobs,"
i.e. to serve as a handyman of sorts

& make things out of the materials
one has lying about. The results are not
technical tricks but a journey into what
Magritte called the loss of natural
phenomena. Do you want them to
wake you up every ten minutes or so?

Within your organization

A new partnership brings sports
&, at some random point, a girl's
coronation doll. Music can inspire,
but avoid tuna if you react badly
to it. Since the numbers are wrong,
why am I bothering to reproduce
them. The beginning was saccharine:
the markets had all closed: future-

proof secondary packaging carried
warnings to be wary of false prom-
ises. Spring's manifestations become
the basis for the creation of a frame-
work for turning New York City in-
to an artifact from fifteenth century.

Mark Young lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia, and has been publishing poetry since 1959. He is the author of around fifty books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, & art history. His work has been widely anthologised and translated into a number of languages.

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