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An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Four



the enigmatic gnomes

Quantum Philosophy is, in
general, a direct descendant
of Armani, but one that has
experienced fragrance burnout.
It's an elegant, straightforward
response to a long-standing
search for a dealer in Civil War
memorabilia in order to fulfill

one's obligations to the Texas
National Guard, a simple out-
come of new middle-class tastes.
To prevent it from getting lost
all fees must be paid in full
before the course commences.

Instrumentos de música y accesorios

Video hosting is expensive when
you're required to make a team
of car, truck, or bike enthusiasts
come in quiet models. The simu-
lacrum needs to be built below sea
level. Fencing must be torn apart.
No photos are available. & not just
that – the researcher is deprived

of access to original texts. Appear-
ances can be deceptive when you've
nothing to compare them with. So,
ask your friends if they can recall
any of Frantz Fanon's books. Then
select Zebra wood for its lustrous look.

Mark Young was born in New Zealand, and lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia. He is the editor of Otoliths poetry magazine, a publisher of poetry and the author of over forty books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, and art history. His most recent book is les échiquiers effrontés, a collection of surrealist visual poems laid out on chessboard grids, published by Luna Bisonte Prods, and The Word Factory: a miscellany, from Gradient books of Finland. Due for publication are Residual sonnets from Ma Books, The Perfume of The Abyss from Moria Books, and an e-book, A Vicarious Life – the backing tracks, from Otata.

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