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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Twelve



Many Houses

To Alison

Wax hands lay
on the burnished wood,

shimmering ochre
in the candlelight.

I gave you one,

because it contained
the world's grace.

Soft voices led me
to follow you through

lace and ribbon,
cool velvet and tapestries,

as blue as a newborn
kitten's eyes.

I leaned into the woman
in red, our foreheads

touched and her song
became mine, circular

and full of rippling notes
that hung in the air.

Delicate, ringing on
and further on –

like a Tibetan gong.

I didn't know
I could travel so far,

away from my
translucent body,

like an arrow
into you.

Judith Neale
is a Canadian poet, mentor, educator, opera singer and spoken word performer. She has published eleven collections of her poetry, including A Quiet Coming of Light (Leaf Press, 2014), Splendid in its Silence, which won the SPM Publications (London) Poetry Book Competition and was published in April 2017,  Cantata in Two Voices (Ekstasis Editions, 2018; with Bonnie Nish),  A Blooming (Ekstasis Editions, 2019), Impromptu (Ekstasis Editions, 2020), and The Flaw (Ekstasis Editions, 2022). She is currently working on a new collection.  

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