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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Twelve



Edible Bivalves

Eight edible bivalves connected by fifteen adductor muscles.
Their electric groans, upsetting to the small bowel,
are generated by the oscillation
and acceleration of sand granules.

In swamp-dwelling dreams they synthesize.
In dreams of bedding,
dreams of tattered tongues,
and swollen fingertips.
In hair torn from sea-scalp
and translucent sea-foam skin.

Edible infaunal bivalves – intercourse on mudflats,
on molten earth,
on treetops of quivering loins,
infested with burrow worms
treating the throat to an episode of dramatic irony,
treating the fingers to a gelatinous symphony.
Just another species of worshiped parloudre.

Angel Dionne
is an English professor at the University of Moncton Edmundston, Canada. She is the author of a chapbook of flash fiction entitled Inanimate Objects (Bottlecap Press), as well as co-editor of an anthology entitled Rape Culture 101: Programming Change (Demeter Press). Her work has appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, JAKE, Sein Und Werden, The Molotov Cocktail, The Missing Slate, The Peculiar Mormyrid, Crack the Spine Anthology, Everyday Fiction, Narrow Doors in Wide Green Fields, Surrealists and Outsiders, Good Morning Magazine, Garfield Lake Review, and Litbreak Magazine.

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