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An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Two



Late-Summer Wednesday

Cloud cover so very thick for a Wednesday
Even King Midas couldn't barter a shadow,
And every tomato remaining on my exotic-dancer
Neighbor's vines is still the still-born green
Of counterfeited dollars—oh, I could presto order
Custom lessons for you from many spots along
The turning globe: for example, snapshots of ethics
Draped like shrouds 'cross mangrove swamps
In Bangladesh, or recipes for morning beverages
First graffitied on the boudoir wallpaper
Peeling in a Uruguayan bordello, but zero I've done
Or can retrieve seems enabled to properly position
That fluttering tongue, that gigantic lower lip,
Or those forever-in-the-way sharp teeth of yours.

William C. Blome is a poet and a short fiction writer from Maryland who divides his time between Baltimore and Washington, DC. He is a master's degree graduate of the John Hopkins University Writing Seminars. His work has previously appeared in Poetry London, PRISM International, Amarillo Bay, Fiction Southeast, Roanoke Review, Blue Bonnet Review, Laurel Review, The Oyez Review, Salted Feathers and The California Quarterly.

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