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James Tate Prize

James Tate Poetry Prize 2024 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 7th James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of contemporary Surrealist poetry. We have received 29 poetry manuscripts from seven countries, namely Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, Italy, and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to come up with the list of winners. Still, we have selected four manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the four manuscripts in the coming months.

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Mark Blaeuer. Surfacing Below
Michael Ruby. From an Album of Verses

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
John Greiner. Clouded Saints and Kinky Shadows
John Johnson. Toss Repeat

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
Partridge Boswell. Heckler
Patrick Deeley. Suspect Terrain
Michael Farry. Music to Paint Ceilings By
Jennifer Harrison. After René Char's 'Orion's Reception'
Steve Gilmartin. Sea of Mystery
Leonard Kress. Foxholes
Tate Lewis-Carroll. Film of the Production of a Book of Poems
Clif Mason. The Red Dragon Codex
Josh Massey. The Brass
Kenneth Pobo. Bobolinko's Clouds and Burning Wood
Anthony Seidman. A Nimbus Lexicon
Andrew Weatherly. Honey Locust Crystal Ball
Agnes Whitfield. Poetry immediate. Putterings for Éluard
Elizabeth Zuba. With this River I Thee Swim

Many congratulations to the worthy winners, and many thanks to every poet who sent us their work!


1st Prize: €120; 2nd Prize: €80
The winners of both James Tate Prizes will win a chapbook publication and 10 complimentary copies. Both prizes may be shared.

Up to twelve finalists may be publicly listed as "highly commended". Finalists may be offered publication at SurVision Books' discretion.

The competition will be open to new, emerging and established poets from any country writing in English from 1st June, 2024. We prefer innovative, experimental, surrealistic poetry to mainstream. To learn more about our preferences in poetry, please read SurVision Magazine.

All the poems must be the original work of the entrant. Manuscripts can be between 24 and 32 pages of poetry in length, in the English language
. This does not include the table of contents, title page and the list of acknowledgements, if any. Prose poems and translations of poetry are also eligible; all translations must be accompanied by the same work in the original language. Manuscripts of solely visual poetry are not eligible.

Individual poems may be previously published in magazines, anthologies, or on social media, but not in the previously published books or chapbooks by the poet.

Previously published or self-published chapbooks are not eligible. Authors with collections or chapbooks previously published by SurVision Books are not eligible.

Entrants may enter more than one manuscript. There is an entrance fee of €18 for each manuscript. Submit additional manuscript(s) in a separate email(s) and include submission fee(s). All fees are waived for Ukrainian writers who had to leave their country because of the Russian invasion. The winners will be selected by the editors of SurVision Magazine.

We will be accepting simultaneously submitted work but
let us know immediately if your chapbook has been accepted for publication elsewhere. All finalists will be required to remove their work from simultaneous review upon notification. No corrections to submitted manuscripts or biographical notes will be considered until you hear from us that your manuscript has been accepted for publication.

The winning chapbooks will be published by SurVision Books in late 2024 or early 2025.

They will be offered for sale internationally through our own website and via selected independent book sellers.

Deadline: Saturday 31th of August 2024, midnight.


1.    The chapbook for submission, in two versions: MS Word document and, separately, a PDF file. Each poem should begin on a new page. Please single-space your poems. Please use font size 12. Please don't put your name on the manuscript itself, or anywhere inside it.
2.    A cover letter (separate Word document attached to the same email).
Your cover letter should include:
- Your name
- Chapbook title
- Your mail address
- Phone number
- Postal address
- The e-mail address, from which your Paypal transaction comes
- How you heard about our competition
- A brief factual bio
Please ensure that this information is in the attachment and not in the body of the email.
3.    Payment of the €18 entry fee can be made through PayPal to survisionmagazine[at] (please press the button at the top of the sidebar on the left side of this page.)


Paypal will deduct the fee in your own currency. Please contact us if you need to arrange an alternative method of payment (postal orders for Irish entries, or cheques and bank drafts for Irish and international entries.)

All rights will revert to the winning chapbooks' authors upon publication.

All the winning manuscripts will be published as A5 perfect-bound paperback chapbooks, and will be available to purchase at our online bookstore.

James Tate Poetry Prize 2023 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 6th James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of contemporary Surrealist poetry. We have received 36 poetry manuscripts from eleven countries, namely Australia, Bahrain, Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to come up with the list of winners. Still, we have selected six manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the six manuscripts in the coming months.

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Don Berger. Please
Robert Miltner. Horse Skull Moon
Jeffrey Cyphers Wright. Fuel for Love

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Anne Caldwell. Smithereens
David Centorbi. The Eloquence of Departure
Mark Young. Melancholy

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):

Sheila Aldous. Running with the Mockingbird
Partridge Boswell. This Topia
Tony D'Arpino. Titles of Dreams
Patrick Deeley. Beyond the White Deckchairs
Marie-Louise Eyres. We Are the Drum
Daniel Hales. Adopt a Visibility Site
Kevin Hinkle. Primitive Confusions of Spring
John Johnson. Affordances
Sharon Kernot. Wasps on Beehive Corner
Tate Lewis-Carroll. Bruised Apples
Amanda Oosthuizen. Is Gertrude Stein’s Frog Smoking in Your Attic Too?
Kenneth Pobo. Sing Closet
Tim Queen. Kafka's Orchestra
Sarah Sarai. The Sunken and the Found
Gwen Sayers. Ghost Whispere

Poetry Chapbook Contest 2022 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 5th James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of contemporary Surrealist poetry. We have received 32 poetry manuscripts from eleven countries, namely Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, Germany, Greece, Moldova, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to come up with the list of winners. Still, we have selected five manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the five manuscripts in the coming months.

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

Noah Falck & Matt McBride. Prerecorded Weather
Michael Zeferino Spring. Kahlo's Window

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

J V Birch. ice cream 'n' tar
Dominique Hecq. Con Brio
Heikki Huotari. To Justify the Butterfly

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
Claire Cox. The Accomplishment of Fossils
Marie-Louise Eyres. Seed of an Animal
Daniel Hales. Self Alchemy
Ian Ganassi. Permission Slips
John Greiner. Ararat
Tate Lewis-Carroll. If I Said Crows
Kenneth Pobo. Shaken Not Stirred
Meg Pokrass. Kissing the Monster Hunter
Jake Sheff. The Rites of Tires
Michael Sutton. The Curses

Poetry Chapbook Contest 2021 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 4th James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of contemporary Surrealist poetry. We have received 35 poetry manuscripts from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, England, Ireland, Philippines, the USA, and Wales. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to come up with the list of winners. Still, we have selected six manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the six manuscripts in the coming months.

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

Charles Borkhuis. Spontaneous Combustion
Stuart Ross. Cringe System

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

Becki Hawkes. The Naming of Wings
Kurt Luchs. The Sound of One Hand Slapping
Daniel McGinn. Drowning the Boy
Philip Venzke. Chant to Save the World

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
Partridge Boswell. Wild Card
Graham Clifford. Attack
Matt Dennison. Night Whales
Mara Lee Grayson. Unstable as a Bookcase after Midnight
David Greenslade. Zamalek Island
Elise Houcek. So Neon Was the Rope
Michelle Moloney King. Another Name for Mother
Kenneth Pobo. Doom With Laundry
Dan Raphael. Can't Explain
Julie Sampson. flashes, sparks, a series of dots and dashes
Matthew Schmidt. A Bone-Flower's Upward Growth
Carol Shillibeer. The Goat Brothers
Ronald Terry. Forgotten Mythologies
Edytta Wojnar. i have the right to walk on my eyelashes
Mark Young. ABBAdABBA

Poetry Chapbook Contest 2020 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 3nd James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of contemporary Surrealist poetry. We have received 34 poetry manuscripts from ten countries, namely Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Philippines, and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to come up with the list of finalists. Still, we have selected six manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the six manuscripts in the coming months.

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

Alan Elyshevitz. Mortal Hours
Henry Finch. Reversing Falls

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):

Thad DeVassie. Splendid Irrationalities
Alison Dunhill. As Pure as Coal Dust
Aoife Mannix. Alice under the Knife
Jon Riccio. Eye, Romanov

Honourable Mentions

Partridge Boswell. The Book of Unknowing
Tony D'Arpino. Ephemeris for Sea Stars
Giles Goodland. Person Pronoun
John Greiner. The Bible of My Nursery Rhymes
Josh Massey. The Kids of Koala Skateboard
R. S. Mengert. Saturday Night at the End of Civilization
Eric Pierzchala. There's a Riot in My Brain
Kenneth Pobo. Hints
Alex Vartan Gubbins. To a utopia of graffiti & city
Edytta Wojnar. Syzygy
Gavin Yates. New Rebellion
Mark Young. single-serve liturgies


Partridge Boswell. The Book of Unknowing
Tony D'Arpino. Ephemeris for Sea Stars
Thad DeVassie.
Splendid Irrationalities
Alison Dunhill. As Pure as Coal Dust
Alan Elyshevitz. Mortal Hours
Henry Finch. Reversing Falls
Giles Goodland. Person Pronoun
John Greiner. The Bible of My Nursery Rhymes
Aoife Mannix. Alice under the Knife
Josh Massey. The Kids of Koala Skateboard
R. S. Mengert. Saturday Night at the End of Civilization
Eric Pierzchala. There's a Riot in My Brain
Kenneth Pobo. Hints
Jon Riccio. Eye, Romanov
Alex Vartan Gubbins. To a utopia of graffiti & city
Edytta Wojnar. Syzygy
Gavin Yates. New Rebellion
Mark Young. single-serve liturgies

Poetry Chapbook Contest 2019 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2nd James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of Surrealist poetry. We have received 36 poetry manuscripts from eleven countries, namely Brazil, Canada, England, France, India, Ireland, Germany, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South Korea, and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and it wasn't easy to pick the winners. Still, we have selected six manuscripts that we liked best. Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the six manuscripts in the coming months.

Many thanks to all who submitted their works to our contest! Your support is invaluable!

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
John Thomas Allen. Rolling in the Third Eye
John Bradley. Spontaneous Mummification

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Tony Bailie. Mountain under Heaven
Gary Glauber. The Covalence of Equanimity
Nicholas Hayes. Amorphous Organics
Charles Kell. Ishmael Mask

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
Partridge Boswell. Milk Island
Lucia Orellana Damacela. Vaporized Voices
Heikki Huotari. Instant Essence
Judith Neale. Prompted
Nicholas Papaxanthos. Also As Well and Again I Think of You
Susan Sonde. The Last Insomniac
David Spicer. Naked in the Kabuki Museum
Thomas Townsley. Tangent of Ardency
Julia Webb. Enteric
Edytta Wojnar. Clashing Fires
Don Zirilli. Redictionary

Finalists (in alphabetical order):

John Thomas Allen. Rolling in the Third Eye
Glen Armstrong. Growing Fins
Tony Bailie. Mountain under Heaven
Partridge Boswell. Milk Island
John Bradley. Spontaneous Mummification
Lucia Orellana Damacela. Vaporized Voices
Anthony Doyle. Okeanos
Gary Glauber. The Covalence of Equanimity
Nicholas Hayes. Amorphous Organics
Heikki Huotari. Instant Essence
Charles Kell. Ishmael Masc
Judith Neale. Prompted
Nicholas Papaxanthos. Also As Well and Again I Think of You
Susan Sonde. The Last Insomniac
David Spicer. Naked in the Kabuki Museum
Thomas Townsley. Tangent of Ardency
Julia Webb. Enteric
Edytta Wojnar. Clashing Fires
Don Zirilli. Redictionary

Poetry Chapbook Contest 2018 Winners

We are delighted to announce the WINNERS of the 1st James Tate International Poetry Prize, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of Surrealist poetry. We have received 27 poetry manuscripts from seven countries, namely Australia, Ireland, Germany, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the USA. The quality of most manuscripts was remarkable, and so it wasn't easy to choose the winners. Still, we have selected four manuscripts that we liked best.
Both prizes are shared, and we will publish all the four manuscripts
in the coming months.
Many thanks to all who submitted their works to our contest!
Your support is invaluable!

1st PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Christopher Prewitt. Saint Monica / After You Rain
Anton Yakovlev. Chronos Dines Alone

2nd PRIZE (in alphabetical order):
Mikko Harvey & Jake Bauer. Idaho Falls
Bob Lucky. Conversation Starters in a Language No One Speaks

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
Glen Armstrong. That Look on Spider Baby's Face
Partridge Boswell. Lucky Scars
Lucia Orellana Damacela. Migratory Sounds
Erik Fuhrer. Every time you die
Daniel Hales. Comment Faire La Lumière
Kenneth Pobo. Dark On
Jake Syersak. Though, Through, Thoroughly
James Walton. Abandoned Soliloquy

Legal Disclamer

James Tate Poetry Prize is in no way affiliated with, authorised, maintained, sponsored, or endorsed by the Estate of James Tate or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

Copyright © 2025 SurVision Books