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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Fifteen



Drawing Together

After Bruce McClain's "Nature People #8"

When graphite pierced his jaw,
he swathed his cheek
in oak leaves, felt their veins
fill his, their sap pulse
under his eyes and lip.
He smudged the lines
between man and loam,
bound his wrists with roots,
cupped his chin in branches,
drew bees, moths, ladybirds
to his bark-cloaked fingers.
He sketched until the parchment
creaked, his pencil snapped,
dusk sealed the rift.


Gwen Sayers is a poet who lives in London, England. Her poetry has recently appeared in Propel Magazine, Acumen, DMQ Review, Dreich, Unbroken Journal and Tears in the Fence. She is joint winner of the 2023 Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition, and First Prize winner of the Magma Poetry Competition 21/22.

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